Professional of the Year - disaster solutions

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Michael J. Schmitz

Title: Disaster Solutionist, American Master
Industry: Disaster Solutions
Type of Organization: Global
Major Product/Service: Providing disaster solutions worldwide
Expertise: Mr. Schmitz has been figuring out disaster solutions for ten years and is the only person to do so. In Asia, many countries implemented his fresh water solution to refill the Delta with millions of gallons, since farmers need fresh water to grow food. There are people in 44 other countries who have also implemented Mr. Schmitz's global solution since September, 2008, which is why the oceans have not been "at our front door". Mr. Schmitz is also an inventor. He worked for Boeing Aircraft Company for 23 years and retired in June of 2005. He served in the U.S. Navy in Vietnam from 1965 to 1969, on the USS Clarion River (LSM(R)-409.
Geographic Area of Distribution: International
Affiliations: Lifetime Member, VFW; American Legion; Montclair Who's Who; Princeton Who's Who, Cambridge Who's Who
Born: May 24, 1942
Hobbies/Sports: Cats/lynx, films
Published Works: Published 1 patent,, which is for sale or lease as follows: lease for $7 million down with 25% per unit to be paid quarterly to the inventor in an account of the inventor's choice one year after signing of contract for 20 years, or for sale: $250 million American for the patent, in which sale or lease will be done in Astoria, Oregon where there is no sales tax. Potential worldwide is $1.9 trillion until summer of 2007, with 4 units per vehicle/trailer. Seriously interested contact
Career Accomplishments: Mr. Schmitz feels that there is a solution to global warming through lowering the oceans by extracting sand from the oceans and putting a saltwater channel through many nations. He feels that this would encourage and enable people to desalinate water, create freshwater, have more fresh food through available saltwater channels full of fish, which in turn would boost their economies and tourism.