Executive Club

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Christopher Bazemore

Title: Psychotherapist
Industry: Healthcare
Type of Organization: Mental Health Practice
Major Product/Service: Patient care
Expertise: Dr. Bazemore has over 30 years experience and has been in his current practice for 10 years. He specializes in providing therapy to patients who have been in abusive situations. He treats patients and helps them heal, recover and attain stability in their lives. Dr. Bazemore is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor Supervisor, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy Supervisor and a Licensed Clinical Drug, Addictions Supervisor for the State of Maryland. He is also licensed in Washington, D.C. He also serves as a Pastor at The Church of the Holy Spirit, United Divine Science. He is a Faculty Member at Southern California University and a Facilitator for the 14th Street N.W. Inner City Clinic. Dr. Bazemore serves as a Retreat Director at St. Joseph's Paris in Alexandria, Virginia, St. James Episcopal Cathedral on Evelyn Underhill Society and Emma Curtis Hopkins in Harlem, New York. He is currently assisting the homeless and drug population in South and West Baltimore.
Geographic Area of Distribution: Baltimore, Maryland
Affiliations: Chaplain, Divine Science Federation; Past Chaplain, Divine Science Ministerial Association; Past Vice President, International New Thought Alliance; Racial Attitude Committee for Policy, Diocese of Richmond; Board Member, Writers for Racial Policy Document, United States Catholic Charities; Registry of American Group Psychotherapy Association; C.G. Jung Institute of New York; Alfred Adlerian Society; Washington School of Psychiatry; Systems for Human Studies, Chevy Chase, Maryland; A.M.H.C.A.; A.C.A.; A.A.M.F.T.
University/Degree: M.A., Counseling, Trinity College; Ph.D., St. Kitts, United Kingdom; Ph.D. Psychology, University of Southern California, 2008; Ordained, Divine Science, Brooks Divinity School, 2002
Born: October 24, 1951, Portsmouth, Virginia
Hobbies/Sports: Reading, music, attending workshops, retreat leader, walking, nature, theater
Published Works: 1 book, "Authentic Change for a Happy Life", articles,